Discover the Untouched Beauty of Triton Bay

Embark on a journey to Triton Bay, where untouched beauty and unparalleled biodiversity await. Dive into crystal-clear waters teeming with vibrant marine life,

What to see in Triton Bay

Whale Sharks

Triton Bay is famous for its whale sharks, which are often attracted to the local fishing platforms (bagans) for an easy meal of anchovy snacks.


The area boasts extraordinary biodiversity, with over 200 types of nudibranchs and thousands of fish species.

Fish Schools

The waters are home to large schools of fusiliers, surgeonfish, snappers, and groupers, contributing to the high biomass of big reef fishes.

Unique Marine Life

Divers can encounter a plethora of new and endemic reef fish species, as well as a variety of soft corals and ahermatypic corals.

Bo’s Rainbow

Huge soft coral covered boulders with schools of fish. A relatively shallow dive, bottoming out into a gentle sandy slope at 16 meters it is perfect for both wide angle (especially when the sun is shining) or macro. There is also a shallow swim through cutting through the middle of the island. If there is strong current, divers can stay within the protected side of the island. With no current you can easily swim around the entire island.

Triton Bay’s species factory works overtime in the pygmy department. Weaving in-between the plethora of sea fans offers the opportunity to find the different species & variations within.

Batu Dramai

Also known as Last Frontier – is a rock (batu) off the corner of Dramai Island at the southern end of Iris Strait, is packed with fish. Just below the surface awaits a chaos of surgeonfish, rabbitfish, bumphead parrotfish, fusiliers & hundreds of pinjalo snapper – sporting their silver & red tones. Predatory bluefin jacks harry the perimeter picking off anchovies, while the larger giant trevallies sortie amongst the fusiliers. If you turn your gaze away from the surrounding fish, train it along the slope is a terraced garden of table corals festooned with cotton-candy tufts of soft corals attracting sweetlips, angels, & groupers to be cleaned. Wobbegong sharks have also been known to lurk hereabouts under the ledges. Open to the elements and regularly swept by swift currents, it’s not always possible to dive here – but if possible; it is bucket-list divesite.

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